Snowflake’s Cloud Data Warehouse — What I Learned and Why I’m Rethinking the Data Warehouse

Why the Need to Rethink?

After spending significant time recently in sizing, balancing, and tuning an on-premise data warehouse environment, performance just wasn’t where it needed to be for Tableau workbooks meant to analyze consumer device hardware data.

A maximum of 13 concurrent users could be handled at peak times. Simple queries could take as long as 5 minutes to execute with complex queries escalating to 30 minutes. Data loads were occurring only every 24 hours, but hourly loads were required. To top things off, a geographically dispersed user base across the US, Europe, and Asia wasn’t helping matters at all.

Was it time to look at replacing this data warehouse environment?

Waiting days or even weeks to analyze critical data for decision making is no longer acceptable. Most business teams want real-time insights that match the fast pace business and markets, and data scientists can become frustrated by the limitations placed on queries and an ability to load, transform and integrate both structured and semi-structured data.

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